Ipros has gained more than 20 years of experience in the development and application of mathematical models in key areas of hydraulic engineering.
The company sistematically invested resources in research and development in this field since the early nineties, when mathematical modeling already allowed to obtain the first practical results of in describing and visualizing the hydrodynamic phenomena that affect the complex hydraulic systems.
Today the solution of these problems is no longer an exceptional event, even the possibility of using mathematical tools appropriate to the importance of the works to be carried out is, increasingly, a basic requirement for a qualified design.
Ipros therefore makes systematic use of state of the art mathematical modeling to carry out both tasks regarding the study of rivers, lagoons, coastal waters and waterways networks, as well as those related to the design of hydraulic works and the design and verification of urban drainage and water supply networks.
Each task is dealt with the most updated and specific numerical tool available, including software developed in an independent and original way within the firm itself.
Ipros has gained significant expertise and experience particularly in hydraulic modeling of coastal lagoons, dynamic of waves and littoral regime, river flood routing and flood simulation in urban areas.